The national eJUROR program gives potential jurors the option of responding to their jury qualification questionnaire or summons online. Jurors can update personal information, check when they need to report for jury service, submit a request for an excuse or deferral, and select an alternate time to serve. Jurors choosing to complete the forms electronically do not have to mail them.
If you receive errors or if you are ejected from eJUROR, then please complete and mail the paper questionnaire to us using the supplied envelope.
You will need the following information to log into the system:
9-digit participant number (located next your name and address on the form you received in the mail)
The first three letters of your last name
Date of Birth
NOTE: It takes approximately 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire\summons (responses will not be retained if you exit BEFORE completion of the entire questionnaire or summons).