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Before registering for an ECF Account, attorneys are required to read the Court adopted Administrative Policies and Procedures pertaining to electronic filing:
Administrative Procedures Governing Filing and Service by Electronic Means
Registering for E-Filing Access (Link for reference and link to PACER at
On-line ECF training is required and available on the court’s website at no cost. For new users, visit the PACER site to complete their training material, How to Use CM/ECF. To learn how file a new civil complaint, file a motion, and submit a proposed order to the local court, view the NCWD training material here: CM/ECF Training. For helpful tips for filing in the Western District of North Carolina, it is suggested that all users review the the CM/ECF user manual, email settings, sealed reference material, and top 10 errors by e-filers: CM/ECF Reference Guides.